The Mystery of Mr Emerson Jones
My mother had enlisted me to became a delivery girl for some of grandpa’s old things. If I had my way I’d keep everything of his, even his old dress shirts to ties and cravats and worn brogues. My mother had kept everything of sentimental value and had asked me to sell or give away some the remainder.
When I had been rifling around cabinets and boxes, I came across an old pocket watch in an envelope that grandpa had kept in his drawer besides his handkerchiefs. The letter wrapped around the watch had asked for it be returned to its owner, ‘Mr Gregory Jones of Montgomery Lane with many thanks and much appreciation- Yours Wonderfully, Mr Edward Chan’.
It was one of my grandpa’s last wishes it seemed and was a painstakingly hard one. I had become an internet stalker and cold caller overnight for two days. But I eventually found an Emerson Jones, grandson of the late Mr Gregory Jones.
So there I was in a secluded lush green park in North Sydney waiting for Mr Emerson Jones to arrive. My mother had decided on a whim to pass along her signature lamington sponge cake in a box and paper bag, she said it was a nice thing to do.
Two minutes past 11am, he swung by looking like he had stepped out of a 1940s society newspaper clipping with a suit, bold geometric patterned tie and fedora. I think I fell in love that morning.
“So you’re the granddaughter of Mr Edward Chan. My grandfather had hoped to meet you one day. He unfortunately couldn’t see his request come to fruition but I am more than favoured to meet you in his place”, he spoke as he placed his fedora by his side on the bench.
I sat there besotted with eyes wide with curiosity. what was grandfather’s connection to the Jones’s? Curiouser and curiouser…
Please click here for what happens next…and on the story goes goes goes…